Friday, March 4, 2011

Diary of Stupid SC 20110304

Stupid incident #1

I was happily mixing my usual concoction of milo+coffee+oats. Then I proceeded to water dispenser. After doing so, this is a portion of the conversation between me and my colleague.

HK: 但是冷的好喝meh?

Me: *confused* 什么冷的?

Then I realized.... I poured in the cold water.

Stupid incident #2

So to correct that, I had to pour my small cup of concoction into a bigger mug. Then I pour in another 2 small cups of hot water to neutralize the cold and to make it hot. Walking back to my colleague and showed him the big mug.

Me: 为了把它弄热,我倒了很多烧水.

HK: 你可以用mircowave的吗.

Me: *facepalm*

Conclusion.. I'm working too hard today and I've become stupid. And I got a big mug of deadly potion to finish.

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