Saturday, August 21, 2010

KTPH and Me

Recently I've been visiting Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. Nothing really that serious. If any of you can recall, sometimes you'll see me limp for a few days just out of a sudden. It's my left ankle (most of the time it's left, sometimes it might be right). Some have advised me to go see doctor and stuff, but all along I didn't want (read: lazy).

Then during my ICT during July, the day after my short outfield exercise, my left ankle started giving me problem. The day after got route march, thinking about chao keng a bit, so I went to see the MO. At the same time, I just decided to ask MO to refer me to see specialist. You know.. It's better to play safe than to be sorry.

So... that's the prelude, and began my frequent visit to KTPH.

On my first visit, the specialist diagnosed me with achilles tendonitis. Then the x-ray shows that there's some minor calcification of my achilles tendon. Nothing major. Chill...

This specialist referred me to the podiatry clinic to get some insoles for my feet. Then told me to come back for physiotherapy. I think I'm getting milked dry in this hospital. First consultation + x-ray is about 40+bucks.

The second visit, I went for the first session of physio. It was bad. Real bad. Immediately that day, my left calf started to ache. The following 2 days, I was limping badly. Cost me 30+bucks after subsidy.

And for next visit , I went to the podiatry clinic. Another doctor examined my foot, going through the same procedure of asking questions and demonstration of walking, squatting, tiptoeing, etc. Then this doctor gave me 2 choices of insoles - 1 off-the-shelf insoles costing around 60+bucks, or a custom-made pair costing around 200+bucks. The former can last for 6-9months, while the latter can last for 2-3 yrs. And yeah... I went for the latter one. Ka-ching!! another 200+ close to 300bucks gone.

And guess what?!?? Next week I have another session of physio. September I'll have my review with the specialist. *shake head*Oh yeah, that reminded me. I should start work more on the exercises and stretching that the physiotherapist asked me to do. Damn.... Currently I'm like doing them once every few days.

This new hospital overall not bad lah. Anyway, KTPH by right is to replace Alexandra Hospital one.

And my final comment on KTPH - it's bloody far.....

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