Friday, April 23, 2010

Mayday Concert Aftermath Part 1

Last Saturday I just went for Mayday Concert. It's my first paid-concert that I've attended. Interesting and fun I would have to say. Though I was seated far far away from the stage, man, the concert was still pretty high.

Anyway, let's hit some Mayday songs, dude!

五月天 笑忘歌 MV

五月天 我心中尚未崩坏的地方 MV

五月天 突然好想你 MV

五月天 春天的吶喊 MV

All along I thought I heard a certain part of the lyrics wrongly. Until just now when I went to check the lyrics then I realized they were really trying to put vulgarity in. LOL! "看羚羊草枝摆"


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