Sunday, November 23, 2008

Grow up please...

Heard these words from the angel side of me just now. Here's the story. Self-pwned story to say how spoilt brat am I.

I woke up around 140pm just now. Usual routine for weekend will be go wash up, toileting, then search for breakfast. My weekend's breakfast is prepared/bought by my mum one, most of the time...

Open up and see, wah! Lor mee! Nice! Even pour into bowl for me liao. Took a fork and took the bowl up and about to eat. WAIT! My eyes still a bit blurry because I juse woke up, but I saw stuff moving around at the edge of the bowl. Ah... Great.... ANTS INVASION!

Went out to the living room and showed my mum. Maybe I was a bit in the short fuse recently, then I started to blame her. Say why she act smart go pour into bowl first, if still in plastic bag then I can have it already. Don't act smart thinking I will always wake up by 11am or so. She then went to kitchen to see what's wrong with the "anti-ant mechanism" and fixed it a bit, and chased the ants outta of the bowl and told me can eat liao.

=\ My first thought here was.. What? It's sharing food with ants. Not I had leftover for ants wor, it's the ants who had it first before I do! Never mind, I took the bowl again, and look look. Some dead ants dead by the side of the lor mee. You know... Lor mee is sticky sticky one. They got stuck to the lor and dead. *salute* Then I complained again (yesh, like a brat). So she offered to cook instant mee for me instead.

Yesh, at this point of time, suddenly.. really suddenly... The angel side of me had awaken! Think he overslept. The devil woke up earlier. I managed to think through properly lah. She already put in effort, then I shouldn't complain anymore right? Even if I don't want to eat that ant-infested bowl of lor mee, I should go settle my breakfast myself right? So basically now it's my own problem, and I should settle it myself. Stop bothering her.

Alright, so I told her never mind. Forget it. It's okay. 算了.

I ate that bowl of lor mee....... hahahahaha.. Sorry, I was too lazy to cook instant noodle myself. So I just use a spoon to scoop the side of the lor and dump onto the sink. I think I still see some ants (around 2-3) dead in the pool of sticky fluid. Ah! F**k it lah. Ants only, scare wat?

Ate. Pwned. And grew up....

p/s: ah yesh.. i'm 25 already, and i'm still a spoilt brat. FLAME ME!!!

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