Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I changed bus timing today!

Rejoice! I'm not going to see that irritating bus unc driver captain anymore!

Today I went out 5min earlier than usual to catch the earlier double decker bus. Woot~ End up I reached office 15min earlier than the usual timing. A 10min gain! 10min might not be a lot, but when u compare it to a timing of around 35min, it's

But of course, by doing that I have to let go of other "benefits". No more usual mm/ol that I see on the later bus. But this bus is definitely less packed than the later one. Actually, I didn't really see if this bus timing got good mm/ol or not. Because I was knocked out from the 2nd stops onwards. *Hyperdrive mode initated*

Anyway, I think because yesterday that bus uncl captin really hit my limit. He really like to stop at every stop even though the bus is really packed like siao. He will stop completely at the stop. Wait for a while (don't know for what), then move off. Maybe like what Zm said, he's a sadist. Enjoying seeing the disappointed faces below then move off.

Yesterday... at one stop, the bus was already packed. He stopped and opened the door allowing the people down there to board. Down there, I guess there were around 6-7 pax, only 2-3 managed to get up. Then at next stop, I thought he would do the usual stop and go. NOOO! He stopped, waited a while, opened the door again. I was like going "WTF?!". No one alighting, and previous stop already got people already cannot board, you still open the door for WHAT? I think his sadism has taken another step up. He enjoys seeing people struggling meaninglessly.

Oh well.. fine. 1 fortunate guy managed to get on. Took a damn long time for him to close the door properly and move on. He made 1 person happier today, and x people frustrated down there. I'm not too sure about others, but personally, I would rather see the bus going past me. I think it's worse to see the bus stopping in front of me, opening the door, and I cant get on. =\

Okay, maybe I'm just too subjective. And paranoid. And irritating. And frustrated. Never mind! It's all over! I'M SO GOING TO TAKE THAT EARLIER BUS!!!

Er... That means I have even more free time in the office (before official working hours)...

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