Wednesday, July 18, 2007

blessing in disguise?

the previous i complained abt taking over colleague's work.. well.. i went down to SNEC and saw my grandma! wow.. kinda happy to see her.. ya.. and my cousin.. she's there to do some minor day surgery review... ya.. spent part of my lunchtime chit chatting with her.. but came an usual but now awkward question.. when am i getting marry.. she has always been asking mi this question.. all along i've been answering and telling her dun worry, she sure can see mi getting married one.. but today.. i dun have the confident of saying that.. i juz brushed that question away and went on talking abt something else..

nice chatting with her.. happy that i saw here that and accompanied her.. though not for long and er.. communication barrier.. my hokkien sux big time.. my cousin kept laughing at mi.. yeah.. so end of the day i never really think badly abt taking over my colleague's work anymore.. it's kinda good.. =)

lemme intro another song.. mayday one again.. er.. i'm not mayday craze.. i have to say again.. but their songs are really good..

五月天 - 拥抱
脱下长日的假面 奔向梦幻的疆界
南瓜马车的午夜 换上童话的玻璃鞋
让我享受这感觉 我是孤傲的蔷薇
让我品尝这滋味 纷乱世界的不了解

昨天太近 明天太远 默默聆听那黑夜晚
风吻尽 荷花叶 任我醉倒在池边
等你清楚看见我的美 月光晒干眼泪
那一个人 爱我
将我的手 紧握
抱紧我 吻我 喔爱~~~ 别走

隐藏自己的疲倦 表达自己的狼狈
放纵自己的狂野 找寻自己的明天
向你要求的誓言 就算是你的谎言
我需要爱的慰借 就算那爱已如潮水

抱紧我 吻我 喔爱

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