Friday, October 5, 2007


initially i got a bit on the hot side when i read zm blog. wanted to rebut it. i even wrote a post on it liao. then after thinking and talking to another friend of mine. well, it does sound lame after all. instead, think i should reconsider over everything about blog.

wat was my reason for blogging? wat's everyone else's reason for blogging? hmmmm.. i started off blogging bcos there are stuff in my heart that i have not one to speak to. i wanted a diary. but why i put it online? bcos i wannabe AA? maybe bcos i juz want to be understand during that time.

then after the storm was over, my blog had lost its initial motive of existence. that was the time i was thinking to stop blogging or not. hey, why not make it my virtual memory. to record down my happenings, thoughts, feelings and nonsensical writing. there, my blog was reborn~

little did i realise that i'm slowly losing my aim. i was blogging for myself, not the others. why am i expecting others to know my stuff through my blog, and not through other channels of communication? hmmm.. i apologise that i've said stuff like "why never read my blog". really sorry abt it. i know it's irritating to be left out in the conversation and no one's filling you in with the details. however, there are just times when the communication channel is just meant to be one-way. so for those, don't blame me if i didnt wanna talk about it via the other means.

one thing to note though. don't fret over things you don't know when others know. it's just that they happen to/frequently update on others' blogs. nevertheless, just ask, and most probably you will be answered. perhaps with a line of "why never read my blog". hey, i'll trying to curb it down now! it's not that you are left out bcos u never read. that "news" might be never even meant to be announced, just that someone else chanced upon it and made it known to the rest of the world while you aren't around. and that's why you are outta the loop.

ask and you'll be answered~

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